Blog Post 7: Jackbox Games

Santino (Tino) Santos
2 min readApr 30, 2022
Mad Verse City (Jackbox Games)

Discuss mechanics and your experience with your peers in the game
The mechanics of the game involved typing in words or phrases into a text box. Depending on the game, the audience and players not participating in the current battle can decide which phrase was the best between the two. For example, in Mad Verse City (MVC), players can compete in a rap battle between robots. The phrases mentioned earlier are meant to be rhymed into a rap that the robots will speak out. The audience and players not involved in the rap battle can choose who had the better rap.

My overall experience with the game was fun and intense. I never played any Jackbox games before but I enjoyed a few of them before. I made a few mistakes and didn’t understand how to play the game but I believe I had some seriously hard questions and rhymes that made it difficult. Overall, I would play it again only to get redemption (because I lost all the rounds I played).

How does playing with an audience affect the game?
Playing with an audience can drastically change the game since their vote counts with the player's vote. However, it seems that the game chooses based on the audience votes more than the players so it seems like an advantage to some Jackbox games. Essentially, players are almost dependent on the vote of the audience members.

